Today’s story is a parable. Parables are precious, like gold. They are presents that were given to us long, long ago. We can’t buy them, or take them, or steal them. They are already ours. Our parables come in a gold box.
Once there was someone who said such amazing things, and did such wonderful things, that people began to follow him. As they followed, he told them about a kingdom: The Kingdom of Heaven. But they did not understand. They had never been to such a place. And they didn’t know anyone who had.
So one day he said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like this: Once a person invited many people to a great feast.
When the feast was ready, the servant said to the guests, ‘Come, for all is now ready.’
But they all made excuses. The first said, ‘I just bought a field and I have to go see it. Please excuse me.’
Another said, ‘I just bought five yoke of oxen and I have to go and try them out. Please excuse me.’
Still another said, ‘I just got married, so I cannot come. Please excuse me.’
When the servant told his master, the master said, ‘Go quickly to the streets and the alleys of the city and bring in the poor…the crippled…the blind and the lame.’ But there was still room. So the master said, ‘Go out to the highways and the roads and get people to come, so my house will be filled.’”
I wonder if you have ever been near a table like this?
The Lord be with you!
This Sunday is the First Sunday in Lent and the color changes to purple. Lent is the time to get ready for the Mystery of Easter. Some parishes use other colors for Lent, like black and red. The priests in our parish wear red and black vestments or robes. See if you notice this if you watch the Sunday service.
During Lent we are all on a journey to Jerusalem. We will follow Jesus. We will hear about the wonderful things he said and the amazing things he did.
This week’s story is a parable. Jesus often tells a story or a parable when he talks about the Kingdom of Heaven… a kingdom that people had never heard of or couldn’t imagine.
We have many parable boxes in our classroom. We can explore them when we are together again.
This parable is found in the Gospel of Luke Chapter 14:15-24.
Have a good week. Be safe.
I miss you!