Everything is changed. It is Advent. In our church, St. Francis, it is the time of the color blue. In some churches they use the color purple. Purple is the color of kings and queens, and we are getting ready for a King. This King is a baby who was born in a stable. We use the color blue because it reminds us of the mother, Mary, the mother of the baby born in a stable in Bethlehem.
The Church learned long ago that it takes time for us to get ready to celebrate the mystery of Christmas, so the Church set aside four weeks to get ready.
On the first Sunday the prophets show us the way. Prophets are people who come so close to God and God comes so close to them that they know what is most important. The prophets, Isaiah and Micah, listened and then they spoke the word of God.
They pointed the way to Bethlehem. They didn’t exactly know when it was going to happen, but they knew this was the place.
This Sunday is the time to remember the prophets, who told us: '
Stop. Watch. Pay attention. Something incredible is going to happen in Bethlehem. This week we have the candle and the light of the prophets. Sit back, enjoy the light, and think about the prophets.