Baby Jesus Is Presented to God
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Mary his mother and Joseph his father went to the Temple in Jerusalem to present Jesus to God. Now many, many years ago God had promised to send a special child called the Christ. Year after year people waited for this gift.
They would go to the Temple and ask God to send the promised Christ, who would set them free. Simeon was one of those who was waiting. God had said to Simeon, “I promise you that before you die, you will see the Christ. Then one day the Holy Spirit said to Simeon, “Go to the Temple.” It was the same day Mary and Joseph were presenting Jesus to God. When Simeon saw the baby, he knew Jesus was the promised Christ.
He held Jesus in his arms and thanked God, saying:
“Now you are letting me go in peace.
My eyes have seen your salvation,
A light for the whole world.”
Now there was also a prophet named Anna. Anna never left the temple. Night and day, she worshipped God, praying and fasting, waiting and waiting for the promised Christ. And now she was very old. When Anna saw the baby, she knew he was the promised Christ. “Thank you, God,” She prayed. And Anna went to tell those who were waiting. “The long-expected Christ is born.”
“The promised Christ is here.
Jesus the Christ has come,
Jesus the Christ, the light for the whole world.”
I wonder how it feels to hold this baby? I wonder what part of the story is most important? I wonder what part you like best?
The Lord be with you!
This Sunday is the Third Sunday after Epiphany, and the color is green. This story is one of only a few stories we have of Jesus’ childhood. The people of God had been waiting so long God’s promise of the Messiah. When Jesus was presented in the Temple, Anna and Simeon knew that God had kept His promise. This story is in Luke 2:22-38. Have a good week. Be safe.