Once every year the People of God go up to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of the Passover, to remember how God had led them through the waters to freedom.
When Jesus was twelve years old, Mary and Joseph and Jesus were so happy because Jesus was old enough to go to the Temple all by himself. Jesus went to the Temple to talk with God and to hear the great teachers tell stories of God. Then he went to the feast of the Passover with his family and friends. After Passover, everyone started home.
When evening came Mary and Joseph went to Jesus’ friends to get Jesus. But no one had seen him.
They began looking for him. They looked everywhere.
And after three days Mary and Joseph found him in the Temple talking with the rabbis and the priests. And when he spoke, they listened, because he knew so much. When they spoke, he listened because he wanted to know more. Mary said, “Where have you been?
We have looked everywhere for you. We were so worried.” Jesus was surprised. “Why did you look everywhere for me?
Didn’t you know I would be in my Father’s house?” Mary and Joseph did not understand. But they did not forget. They went home together. And the boy, Jesus, grew to be a man. He grew taller and stronger.
He grew in wisdom and love, and he was loved by God and loved by people. I wonder why Jesus was surprised when his parents didn’t know where he was?
The Lord be with you! This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Epiphany and the color is green. This is the only story we have in the Bible that tells us about Jesus as a boy. It is an important story because even at twelve years old Jesus knew the work God wanted him to do. Have a good week.