The Episcopal tradition possesses a rich musical heritage, while also remaining flexible and adaptable to the changing landscape of sacred music. St. Francis maintains its connection to the Anglican tradition, and it also offers musical and liturgical settings that are more modern. All expressions seek to support the spiritual life and prayer experience of those who attend worship. 


The Hymn Selection committee meets on an ad-hoc basis to plan the music for Sunday worship. Anyone interested in participating is welcome!


The choir leads the music at 10 AM Sunday services (September - May) which includes traditional sacred, contemporary and gospel hymns, along with psalms. On Christmas Eve, the choir also performs a holiday concert prior to the last service.

Professional section leaders support the volunteer members. Any parishioner who can carry a tune and can commit the time is welcome.


The Sounds Good Concert Series offers concerts each year, providing a rich musical experience for the Stamford community. Past performances have included the Archipelago Project, Gunsmoke, and the ever popular  “Broadway Revisited”. Concerts are held at St. Francis Episcopal Church 2810 Long Ridge Road, Stamford. Reception follows with sumptious goodies!