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What a great Run/Walk Event! We were lucky to have gorgeous weather as we listened to various speakers: Mark Lingle, Major Myron Smith & our Mayor, Caroline Simmons! Richard Weidlich gave his rousing rendition of the national anthem next to our flag. The Walk/Run was well attended by 2-legged as well as 4-legged participants. Sabine and her dog gave an interesting demonstration of a canine search and rescue followed by Linda Quiton's excellent Dogapalooza. There were a lot of wagging tails with the events & treats! Lots of fun!! And we achieved our goal of $30,000 for the Salvation of Greater Stamford, This was only made possible by the diligent work of the committee who started working on this in February . . .

If you were unable to attend, please enjoy the photos of the event by clicking PHOTOS.